5min equipping videos — with discussion guides
Because we care Series 1
(For church members) By Dave Mann
This series of 6 excellent 5 minute videos can be viewed (with discussion guides) HERE
Reach your world one conversation at a time
- You won’t know until you ask
- What is the gospel?
- How to start a conversation
- How to share the gospel
- The power of prayer
- Disciples, not converts

Because We Care – Series II
(For church members) By Dave Mann
This series of 5 excellent 5 minute videos can be viewed (with discussion guides) HERE
It’s all about the conversation
- Why Christianity is good news – not bad – 5mins
- Conversations move at the speed of trust – 5mins
- How to start a NORMAL conversation – 5mins
- How to disagree without disagreeing – 5mins
- The power of a testimony – 5mins

Because we care Series 3
(For church members) By Dave Mann
This series of 5 excellent 5 minute videos can be viewed (with discussion guides) HERE
Conversation in a hostile environment
- How to be effective in a hostile environment – 5mins
- Answering questions with questions – 5mins
- Avoiding the quotable quote – 5mins
- When it’s right to confuse people – 5mins
- How to say nothing (unless you really say something) – 5.30mins

GO Train Evangelism Equipping Seminars
Evangelism and large crowds
with Joseph Lee (20mins)
Joseph Lee (of Pioneer Ministries) is a practitioner in this area of Christian outreach — and is credited by us at the SLT (amongst others) as the active evangelist in New Zealand. Widely trusted, Joseph and his wife Leslie are hosted by groups of churches continuously across across our nation — as well as throughout the pacific. How could we get crowd and event evangelism happening at a greater level again?
Evangelists and the equipping of churches
with Stu Millar (20mins)
Stu (of Train to Proclaim) brings wisdom to the table here that is relevant for equipping evangelists and pastors together.
The ‘apostles, prophets and evangelists’ of Ephesians 4 are easily excluded. All are needed! But there are human dynamics here. Stu passes on some ‘tips’, relevant to all parties, with insight!
Evangelism and church culture
with Dave Mann (20mins)
Dave Mann (of Shining Lights Trust) outlines a simple and transferable approach for pastors, for leading the ‘outreach base’ (dynamic / direction) of a local church. Having applied this as a pastor, Dave has since given effort to passing on these fruitful discoveries to other pastors, including two books on the topic, and countless presentations to groups of pastors, with over 1000 NZ churches engaging with the materials. At it’s core, it’s about recognising that it’s the HABITS we embrace that enable us to effectively equip and mobilise others — not the programmes. So — what habits work, why, and at what pace — for what result? This is simple to apply, and all churches could benefit!